The Media and Public Relations Unit at the College of Pharmacy held a celebration of the memory of our righteous martyrs and the victory over the terrorist organization Daesh in cooperation with the Media Directorate of the Popular Mobilization Authority under the slogan “Our Martyrs are Our Pride”. The celebration included the presentation of several paragraphs, the first of which was an opening speech by the Brigadier General, in which he talked about the heroism of our brave army and the loss of life and its sacrifices that preserved the homeland and the dignity of the people, and mentioned some stories about the dedication and determination of our youth to volunteer and defend our dear homeland against what it was subjected to from terrorism.

Then the director of the Media Unit delivered a symbolic speech in which he stated that: “Our precious land is irrigated only by sacred blood that is the blood of our righteous martyrs, some of them went as a sacrifice for a lock of hair of a woman who is not one of their relatives, and they left behind bereaved mothers whose tears are not comforted except for their black scarf, and their sadness is impatient except for the remains of clothes scented with the scents of magnanimity and pride. The ceremony included the presentation of short films that talk about different realities of the army, in addition to a speech by the Government Communication Officer of the Media Directorate of the Popular Mobilization Authority in which he addressed some facts and stories about the sacrifices of our martyrs and heroes, some of whom are still alive but are living with serious injuries.  The celebration was in gratitude for their priceless favor for without their heroism, we would not have known the meaning of victory and joy.

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