The College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Baghdad has organized an educational awareness lecture entitled (Violence against women between reality and legislation), in the presence of a large number of faculty members and students. In this event, the phenomenon of violence was defined as a behavior or act directed at women based on force, severity and coercion, and characterized by varying degrees of discrimination, oppression and aggression resulting from unequal power relations between men and women in society and the family alike, which takes various psychological and physical forms in harm.

After that, the lecturers addressed and talked about the damage that falls on women who will be victims of such a behavior and who might lose their humanity, which is the gift of God, and by reaching at this point, there is no constructive role for them in the movement of life. It is noteworthy that violence can be classified in various types, such as personal and domestic violence, violence of wrong customs and traditions, violence of power and violence of wars, that all require legal legislation and a societal culture that prevents its continuity to ensure the development of a nation, including the right to resort to legal means of redress, equity and compensation, the right to get proper education and health care through legislation approved by state and civil community institutions. The lecturers also call on the Iraqi legislature to review, evaluate and revise the Iraqi Criminal Code and the Civil Code in order to ensure that all acts of violence against women are prohibited or, if this is not possible, to adopt measures related to this end.

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