The Electronic Plagiarism Unit at the College of Education for Women, in cooperation with the Continuing Education Unit, has organized a scientific workshop entitled (Plagiarism Program: Problems and Solutions) that was delivered by Assist. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim Ali, Assist. Prof. Dr. Rana Hamid Abdullah al-Bahrani and the lecturer Zahraa Farouk Alwan, in the presence of a group of professors.

The lecturers included an introductory introduction to plagiarism, its definition and to check it through the Turnitin software, mentioning the types of scientific thefts with an overview of the criteria and percentages of plagiarism according to the book of the Research & Development Department at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. The workshop reached a number of recommendations, the most important of which is that the researcher should not attribute one of the works of another person to himself, and that he should refer to the exact source of information in a correct scientific way, along with the correct use of quotation marks, the use of proofs or logical methods including: drawings, illustrations, maps, statistics, images, translating literature from one language to another. Then the professors discussed the best ways for paraphrasing or summarizing information from any reference book in order not to be detected by the plagiarism checker.

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