The Biological Research Unit for Tropical Regions, in cooperation with the Continuing Education Unit at the College of Science, has organized a training course entitled “Diagnosis of bacteria in traditional and modern media” in the presence of a number of students, researchers and those concerned with medical affairs.

The training course aimed to introduce the importance of bacterial diagnosis on the culture media and the importance of the appropriate nutrient for the growth of the microorganism in the laboratory in a way that helps the researcher in isolating bacteria in a pure way and then multiplying them, that assists in describing and differentiating the developing colonies through biochemical tests. The course was presented by Assist. Prof. Dr. Maisaa Kazim Habash, the lecturer Haifaa Nouri Matar and Assist. lecturer Istabraq Akram Bairam who defined some modern diagnostic methods depending on the use of molecular diagnosis using bacterial and initiator DNA, polymerase chain reaction methods and other modern methods for the importance of differentiating between different types and genera of pathogenic bacteria that cause many communicable diseases.

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