The Rehabilitation and Employment Unit at the College of Languages and the head of the Department of German Language, in cooperation with the Department of Relations and Media at the Ministry of Interior, have organized a symposium for addressing (The crime of electronic extortion and the role of media and community awareness in reducing it), where the Women’s Division of the Community Police has participated in to demonstrate its role in how to deal with these problems.

The seminar aimed to present several working papers that talked about the psychological and social aspect and the role of the media and community police in raising awareness and treatment of this crime. The seminar also included highlighting the psychological aspect of the victims, methods of treatment of cases and the mechanism of work of the concerned institutions in addressing the phenomenon, as well as touching on real cases and ways of criminals in luring victims to increase the awareness of students, as well as a statement of rapprochement between the citizen and security institutions that work to preserve the freedoms and security of citizens from the defect of applying laws and cooperation between the citizen and the security man. The participants called for the need to educate students, to create a generation aware of positive ideas based on societal peace.

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