The Rehabilitation and Employment Unit at the College of Languages has organized a symposium entitled (The Italian language and the labor market) for the department’s students, in the presence of the dean’s assistants as well as a number of professors with the aim to highlight the importance of this foreign language in fulfilling the requirements of getting a job at the present in international companies and institutions.

The lecturers also focused on the role of language, especially when it is spoken on a global level, whether for native speakers or as a second language for others since the Italian language is the most used in the world in the fields of trade and marketing business for being a flexible and a comprehensive language for most of the special terms in various business fields and the global market in general has been able to be the undisputed first language in the field of modern work. The researchers called for the need to pay attention to the Italian language and its role in the field of work through focusing on all common terms in the labor market and trade.

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