The Department of Psychology at the College of Arts has organized a lecture entitled (Common Mental Disorders: a Comprehensive View), in the presence of a number of professors and students.

The lecture aimed to introduce mental disorders and mental illnesses and clarify some concepts such as both and non-alike, neurosis and psychosis, and to indicate that after years mental illness will occupy the first place among other organic diseases as a result of the impact of psychological pressures that humans are exposed to in life and to indicate the spread of psychosomatic diseases, which are diseases that are organic of psychological origin such as irritable bowel syndrome, headache and pressure, and to present a group of these disorders such as pathological anxiety, phobias, depression, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, hysteria and anorexia Neurologist and mention the hidden and apparent symptoms of each disorder and explain how to diagnose these disorders by the psychiatrist as well as presentation of prevention methods and treatment methods.

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