The students of the Higher Diploma stage at the Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnologies for Postgraduate Studies have organized a special exhibition of illustrative scientific flexes within the subject of “Cancer Biology” under the supervision of the following professors: Prof. Dr. Weam Ahmed Al-Amili, Prof. Dr. Hamsa Ahmed Jassim and Assist. Lecturer Haider Mazin Rasool.

The dean of the institute, Assist. Prof. Dr. Saif Dawood al-Ahmar, has inaugurated the exhibition in the presence of the head of the Genetic Engineering Branch, Prof. Dr. Ismail Abdul Redha, Prof. Dr. Ali Abdul Amir Mahdi, Prof. Dr. Kamel Mutashar al-Jubouri and a group of the institute’s faculty members. The exhibition aimed to display the scientific products made by the postgraduate students to facilitate the understanding of this subject matter. The establishment of this exhibition came with the support and encouragement of the deanship of the institute, as it constitutes an opportunity to give students learning and participate in scientific festivals and encourage them to deliver scientific to increase their confidence in their scientific information.

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