The Center for Women’s Studies held a scientific workshop within the activities of the Center during the 16-day campaign to combat violence against women, in which a number of professors presented research papers explaining the concept of violence and its forms, chaired by the lecturer Sinan Salah Rashid from the Department of International Community Research. He explained the reason for choosing this date and the position of the United Nations on violence directed at women, with reference to the most important international conventions related to the subject of his research paper entitled (The Global Framework for the 16 Days Campaign).

Then Assist. Prof. Dr. Saba Hussein from the Department of Policies and Legislation has discussed the manifestations of violence directed towards women in the Iraqi community after 2003, also violence to children, early marriage, parental disobedience and the high rate of divorce that all threaten the family and society. Assist. Lecturer Hiba Abdul Mohsen Abdul Karim presented a research paper on the (Domestic Violence in Light of the Repercussions of the Current Crises in Iraq) who talked about the concept of domestic violence and the most prominent forms of discrimination on the basis of gender and clarifying the most prominent reasons for the exacerbation of domestic violence rates during the humanitarian crises.

The workshop ended with recommendations, the most important of which is raising the level of awareness among women in order to confront any violence they are exposed to, arming them with education, empowering them, enhancing their self-confidence in order to be able to protect themselves in times of crises experienced by people, adopting a special national strategy to reduce the phenomenon of violence against women, identifying ways to reduce cases of hidden violence to which women are exposed, instilling positive concepts of the importance of the role of women in society, and rejecting unfair images against them.

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