The Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnologies for Postgraduate Studies at the University of Baghdad has organized a scientific symposium entitled: “Nosocomial Infection” that was attended by the dean of the institute, Assist. Prof. Dr. Saif Dawood al-Ahmar, his assistant for administrative and scientific affairs, Assist. Prof. Dr. Ismail Hussein, along with a group of faculty members, employees of the institute and visiting researchers.

The lecture was delivered by Dr. Lubna Mohi Rasool and was chaired by the lecturer Dr. Daad Ali Hussein with the aim to highlight the importance and risk of hospital-acquired infections and the most important factors causing them and helping to spread them. The professors recommended the need to reduce the indiscriminate use of antibiotics that help spread antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The seminar also stressed the importance of fogging and sterilizing all hospital lobbies intensively before and after the patient’s admission, as well as increasing health awareness of patients of the need to adopt sterilization and hygiene methods for all materials and places that the patient deals with and to avoid contact with others until getting a full recovery.

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