The Assist. Prof. Dr. Zainab Ali Abdul Amir from the Theoretical Sciences Branch at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences for Women, has organized a scientific symposium within the activities of the Rehabilitation, Employment and Follow-up Unit for first-grade students entitled (An Introductory Overview of the University Life).

The discussions focused on several topics, including giving an idea of how students adapt to the new university life when they first encounter, identifying the difficulties that may face, explaining the importance of this stage of their lives and the future prospects they have, providing students with important advice and guidance that help them overcome various difficulties, the ability to interact and compete creatively with their colleagues which in turn builds their personality traits and ambitions. The symposium concluded with a set of recommendations, the most important of which is the need to introduce students to how to deal positively with university scientific and social data, urging students to explore their talents, in addition to working to develop their abilities in all fields by receiving the largest possible number of experiences to benefit from them in practical life, the need to seek to establish seminars and workshops for students for the purpose of increasing their cultural level to refine their personalities to increase their social integration to develop their ideas to serve our community.

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