The Pediatric Nursing Branch at the College of Nursing has organized a field visit to Omar Al-Mukhtar and Al-Karkh Secondary Schools for Boys, for the third grade students of the Pediatric Nursing Branch, under the supervision of their faculty members. The visit aimed to introduce students to the behavior of adolescents from a psychosocial point of view, identifying the natural developmental problems of this age group, as well as to find appropriate health educational methods on how to deal with them through activating the nursing role in school health and community.

The field visit included several topics, the most important of which is measuring the body mass index using the BMI card approved by the Ministry of Health so as to assess the nutritional status and growth within normal levels. The behaviors of adolescents were recorded through their relationships with their peers within the school and a questionnaire that accepts and adapts to physical changes, in addition to comparing them with the literature and previous studies of growth and development theories adopted within the curriculum of human growth and development with regard to adolescence.

The visit included educational activities and health awareness for school students through shedding light on several topics such as avoiding smoking and studying the dangers caused by this behavior and the serious diseases caused by, as well as health awareness instructions about drugs and their impact on the individual and society by highlighting the risks of addiction. At the end of the visit, the faculty members and students have expressed their thanks and appreciation to the administrative staff on the aforementioned schools for all good exerted efforts.

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