The Center for the Revival of Arab Scientific Heritage at the University of Baghdad, in cooperation with the Oncology Teaching Hospital and the Women’s Empowerment Unit at the university, organized a scientific symposium entitled (Educating women about the most common cancerous tumors and methods of treatment). The symposium included the presentation of many researches, including awareness about the treatment strategy for breast cancer, to address breast cancer and its impact on the organs of the body, noting that it is one of the most common types of cancer among women.

It also included talking about educating women about ovarian cancer, which is called the silent killer and its vague and unexplained symptoms of its effects in the abdomen represented by general thinness, noting that there are no successful ways to detect it early. The symposium dealt with colorectal cancer, speaking about the symptoms of colon cancer and the multiplicity of treatment options based on the stage of its discovery, as surgery of all kinds is the best treatment for colon cancer. The symposium recommended the need to raise awareness of breast cancer and early detection through self-examination of the breast first and then an examination by the physician to ensure that there is no tumor or abnormal symptoms.

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