The College of Dentistry at the University of Baghdad has organized a continuing education course entitled (The physiological role of main hormones in endocrine) in the presence of a number of physicians at the college.

The course aimed to find out details about the hormones of the endocrine glands and their physiological role in the body since the endocrine system consists of several glands that secrete hormones, so hormones are biologically active substances produced by these glands and released directly into the bloodstream where they constantly can circulate and exert their biological effect on different systems of the body. The lecturers stated that hormones have a vital role in the growth and development of oral facial structures and their functional activities and therefore the changing levels of them can cause a variety of manifestations in the oral facial structures as well as in all organs of the body. The most important recommendations reached at this event are the need to know the physiological role of the endocrine glands, their chemical effect for all organs of the body, including the structures of the mouth or face and how to chemically control this system.

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