The College of Nursing at the University of Baghdad, held a workshop entitled “How to strengthen and fortify our immune system” via the Google Meet service, in the presence of a number of professors and undergraduate and postgraduate students. The workshop aimed to identify the immune system, the body’s immune defenses, the factors that affect the inhibition of the immune system, factors, practices and healthy food that contribute to strengthening the immune system and resisting infection.

The workshop included several topics, the most important of which are unhealthy habits, including having unhealthy food such as processed or fast food that are rich in saturated fats, as well as taking medicines without a doctor’s prescription, which in turn leads to inhibition of the immune system and increase the body’s vulnerability to infection and weak resistance to germs and viruses. The lecturers called for the need to follow the health regimen, which includes exercise half an hour a day, healthy foods free of saturated fats, food additives, canned and fast food and not to take any medicines without a specialized consultation.

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