Prof. Dr. Asmaa Jameel Rasheed, a faculty member at the Center for Women’s Studies, has participated in a symposium organized by the Department of Social Studies at the House of Wisdom usually known as (Bayt al-Ḥikmah), under the solgan (The Reality of Iraqi Women in the Light of the Critical Feminist School’s Proposals). Dr. Asmaa Jameel presented a research paper entitled (Feminism in Iraq: Practice and Application) in which she focused on feminism not only as a science or theories but as currents of thought and a social movement from the ideological point of view as well as an analytical framework.

She tried to trace the phases of feminism in three basic sources that could be important areas for the adoption of feminism in thought and ideology and the application of the first is women’s organizations in Iraq and whether they have been able to transform from women’s activities led by women and aimed at improving the reality of women in life. The second area of study is women’s knowledge output through reviewing a set of historical studies and sociological production in Iraq. The third area is the popular movement that began in October 2019. The paper, which relied on studies and field surveys concluded that the knowledge output in Iraq suffers from a crisis and shortage with regard to feminist research, but also includes the inability to provide alternative knowledge, which constitutes one of the established principles in feminist thought.

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