Prof. Dr. Nejdat Yasher Murad, head of the department of Turkish language at the college of languages has recently authored a book entitled: (The snake in the folk heritage of the Turkmen of Khanaqin district in Diyala province) (Diyale İli Hanekin İlçesi Türkmen Folklorunda Yılan). The book explained how the snake appears as an important motive in the mythology of many peoples, like in the Turkish mythology since ancient times and that it has maintained its presence in the Turkish folklore and beliefs till this day, whether as good or bad in popular beliefs.

People can perceive the alteration of the skin, poison, voice, dangerous tongue, deadly bite and constantly open eyes of the snakes in general as being the characteristics of such creatures that have made it an important element in most of the products of literature and heritage, so the snake has become a symbol of eternity and life again as well as a symbol of preservation and healing in the beliefs of many nations. Dr. Nejdat Yasher studied the snake’s manifestations in the literature, heritage and folk beliefs of Turkmen in Khanaqin district in Diyala, Iraq so as to uncover related frightening tales narrated to young generations, legends, folk proverbs and sayings.

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