The Department of Astronomy and Space, in collaboration with the Continuing Education Unit at the College of Science, held the training course entitled “How to deal with astronomical and physical units by undergraduate and postgraduate students” in the presence of a number of students, professors and those concerned with astronomical and physical affairs. The course aimed to be a reference source on how to deal with the basic formulas of astrophysics and how to deal accurately with astronomical units and astrophysics for students of preliminary and higher studies, by providing the student with the correct and accurate scientific context, in order not to solving scientific equations wrongly as well as in finding out various astrophysics parameters.

The course was chaired by the Assist. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Naji Abdul Hussein and the lecturer Hassanain Hassan Ali, with the aim to clarify included the compensation process, mathematical derivations and conversion between scientific units in accordance with the international system SI and that of C.G.S (Computer Generated Solutions) (in Centimetre – Gram – Second) and also with the presence of physical & astrophysical constants in each reference book and how to deal properly and accurately with different astronomical and physical units, indicating the importance of studying and referring to astronomy and astrophysics when writing graduation projects and master and doctoral dissertations in the best possible scientific formula.

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