Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Ahmed Shaker Ghadeeb, a faculty member from the department of Arabic language at the College of Islamic Sciences, has participated in a course on (The political commandments in Islamic countries throughout history: prrpose and content) held at Al-Iraqia University.

He presented a research paper entitled “Human wisdom in the commandments litrature” in which he reviewed the Arab values and ideals in the literature of commandments since ancient times in Jahiliyyah era (age of ignorance), and when Islam came under the leadership of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the commandments retained many Arab values and took on a new Islamic and human dimension, derived from the tolerant Islamic ideals, then they took the character of literary messages in the Rashidun Caliphate period. He added that the political commandments have become a requirement of the Arab state under Islam to guide leaders when resolving the affairs of Muslims in the Islamic emirates, stating that in our Arab heritage there are many of these commandments which are purely human literature studied by postgraduate students in various academic universities.

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