Dr. Ahmed Mohammed Lotfi al-Imam, a professor from the anatomy branch at the college of medicine has published recently a scientific article in the Encyclopedia online reference platform that is aimed to provide benchmark information for researchers who are interested in all natural and social sciences and which is administrated by scientists and experts in each field.

Dr. Ahmed al-Imam submitted a research paper entitled (Drugs’ Use in Mass Culture) in which he based his work on a previous study that discussed the representations of drug use of nervous and psychological effects and their consequences on mass culture and communities and was published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health as a peer-reviewed open access scientific journal published by the Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) in Basel, Switzerland and indexed in Clarivete Analytics (Impact Factor: 2.468) & Scopus (Impact Factor: 3.4). He pointed out that the world is witnessing a rapid increase in the use of drugs, including neuroactive substances and the role of mass media in drawing attention to the risks of addiction on individuals and society and how to combat this phenomenon for the sake of affecting personal views and tendencies towards them. He also referred to the representation of medicines in social media and in films, music and literature through references to narcotics when dealing with everyday products, such as food, clothing and cosmetics.

Drugs’ Use in Mass Culture

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