A faculty member in the Civil Engineering Department delivers an introductory lecture for the College of Engineering and its consulting bureau and other case studies regarding the loading tests of bridges with the assistance of the regarding the Iraqi bridges in the Faculty of Engineering – University of Malaysia

  Dr. Abbas Abdul Majeed Allawi co-supervise on Ph.D. student; Abeer Aqeel of Civil Engineering Department with Dr. Chai Hwa Yang/ College of Engineering/ University of Malaysia, where after completing authentication of Baghdad University- College of Engineering to discuss student Abeer Aqeel that the University of Malaysia to create its laboratories to implement the practical side of the research , ensure all expenses and create the modern software to complete the search.

  During the visit of Dr. Abbas to the Malaya university for the results of the research and workflow steps of the researcher; the Faculty of Engineering University of Malaysia presented an invitation to Dr. Abbas to give lectures about the college; the first one is an induction of the Faculty of Engineering, activities , consultancy bureau and his achievements, and the second lecture was scientific and entitled “Unified theory of reinforced concrete” was addressed through a new approach to the theory of reinforced concrete applications and derivations and current and future researches, the lecture was impressive and won the admiration of the attendants and those who are interested in this field because this specialty is really considered as a new line, Also Dr. Abbas delivered a lecture on the loading of bridges reviewing the studies of the Iraqi bridges (suspension bridge , Al Mustansiriya bridge and Al Rustumiya bridge).

  Then, was agreed to hold a scientific conference sponsored by the consulting engineering bureau (CEB) of the Faculty of Engineering in the mid of March; to be cases studied for these bridges as one of the headlines of the conference, and the Study of the jetty bridge beside suspension bridge dealt with the examine of the carrying capacity of the slot navigational bridge to base a carrying amounting (300 tons) ; and the bridge have already been made to strengthen ; and the truck was able to pass through the mentioned carrying, and so; the study was succeeded by the team of the consulting engineering bureau of the Faculty of Engineering, as well as Al- Mustansiriya bridge loading test was conducted to load the bridge; either study, which was unique is the reconstruction of AlRustumiya bridge which was destroyed as a result of the conditions experienced by the country and so, the Iraqi engineers proved that they are able to rebuild what was destroyed , and the Engineering Consulting Bureau is distinct with competencies that prides itself on their college.

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