Prof. Dr. Munir Hamid al-Saadi, rector of the University of Baghdad, accompanied by his assistant for scientific affairs Prof. Dr. Abdul Kareem al-Sammarraie has inspected recently the progress of the competitive examination for postgraduate studies during his visit to the faculties of education for humanities, arts, languages and Islamic sciences at Bab al-Muadham. In the same context, the rector stressed on the quality and clarity of questions and instructed the members of exam committees to adopt model answers to achieve the scientific sobriety, as well as inquiring about health procedures and plans to maintain public safety.

Then Dr. Munir al-Saadi met a number of students and listened to their impressions about the mechanisms followed at the exams. At the conclusion of his inspection tour, the rector praised the organizational and administrative preparations launched two days ago, where the first day of the competitive examinations was devoted to the medical and engineering disciplines, while the second day was specified for pure and applied studies and concluded with humanities.

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