The college of veterinary medicine at the University of Baghdad has conducted recently the competitive examination for (145) applicants for postgraduate studies at the doctoral, master and higher diploma levels for the academic year (2021-2022).

Prof. Dr. Hamid Ali Kazim, dean of the college followed up the process of exams, inspected the nature of questions and services provided for our dear students, accompanied by the director of Ibn Sina unit for e-learning, Assist. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Sadiq, assistant dean for scientific and student affairs, Prof. Dr. Ahmed Hamid Fathallah, assistant dean for administrative affairs, Prof. Dr. Falah Musa Kazem and members of the examination committee. Dr. Hamid Ali Kazim stated during his speech that the college has prepared all logistical and technical requirements for providing a comfortable atmosphere for the students to pass their exams, stressing the need to adhere to the resolutions of the Crisis Cell and the Iraqi Supreme Committee for Health and Safety, including social distancing, wearing masks, providing a healthy and safe environment for students to maintain public safety. For their part, the students expressed their satisfaction and appreciation for the good procedures adopted at the college.

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