The department of history at the college of education for women has organized recently a virtual workshop entitled (Vaccines and their impact on limiting the spread of Covid-19) presented via Google Meet service by Prof. Dr. Haider Hamid, a faculty member at the department and Dr. Mustafa Abdul Karim, specialist in lung & chest diseases at al-Bayaa Hospital.

The workshop aimed to clarify the history, symptoms and stages of the spread of Covid-19 in the world, that was first officially announced in China on December 20, 2019 and to explain the negative effects of infection on the global economy and its consequences on the global industrial centers, namely an increase in unemployment rates, great damage to tourism, drop in oil prices that affected the Iraqi economic situation. The lecturers then shed light on the newly invented vaccines, which represent a glimmer of hope in efforts of humanity to combat this pandemic. The workshop was concluded with a number of recommendations, stressing the need for encouraging Iraqi citizens to take vaccines in alignment to the resolutions of the Iraqi Supreme Committee for Health and National Safety to speed up community immunity, since there is no way at the present time to eradicate the disease except by taking vaccines which is the procedure followed in all countries, also calling for not to pay attention to rumors in this regard as well as to take vaccines that have proven to be effective and approved by the World Health Organization and the ministry of health.

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