Inventors: Mr. Ahmed Jabar Ibrahim/Dhi Qar

Assist. Prof. Dr. Juman Ahmed Nasser, Prof. Dr. Taqi al-Deen Abdul Hadi/ Department of Chemistry, College of Education for Pure and Applied Sciences (Ibn al-Haitham), University of Baghdad


The invention involved the preparation of polymer composite from (2-aminophenol-formaldehyde)/ polystyrene, then it spun as a nanofibers by electrospinning technique under a suitable conditions which determined by several experiments to treat the problem of industrial wastewater. Surface morphology of prepared nanofiber membranes was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to determine the surface nature, the shape and average of nanofiber diameters.

The results showed that the average of fiber diameters was in the nanoscale 500 nm, and the energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) was studied to determine the ratio of the chemical constituents of the polymer composite. After that, the adsorption (removal) process of the Malchite Green dye (MG) was studied using the prepared nanofibers and the temperature range (25, 30,35,40,45 ° C) to determine their efficiency in the removal process of pollution by this dye from water. The results showed the high efficiency of these membranes in the dye removal from their aqueous solutions. This led to using the prepared nanofibers as an advanced purification adsorbents instead of the traditional surfaces in the treatment unites of textile and leather factories, which receive their wastes represented by the residues of dyes resulting from industrial processes in public water sources, for the purpose of reducing the water pollution that caused by dyes.

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