Assist. Prof. Dr. Sajlaa Faiq Hashem and Assist. Prof. Dr. Zahra Zaid Shafiq from the department of kindergarten at the college of education for women have participated recently in the proceedings of the first virtual international conference held under the slogan (Challenges facing women and children in modern society) sponsored by the Secretary-General of the Association of Arab Universities, under the supervision of the Swedish-Iraqi Studies Network and the Knowledge Enrichment Academy.

The two professors presented a joint research paper entitled (Taking responsibility and its relationship to the locus of control among kindergarten principals) in which they identified the level of responsibility of a sample of kindergarten principals and to clarify the relationship between responsibility and locus of control (internal and external). The findings showed that most principals of kindergartens have a high level of responsibility in their administrative work and that most of them enjoy a level of internal control in addition to a high level of expectation due to their enormous potential, unlike a few group of other principals comprising only (32%) who believed that the reason for their ability to take responsibility is due to external factors including fate, luck or chance.

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