A number of faculty members of the department of home economics at the college of education for women have participated recently in the proceedings of the first virtual international conference of the World Forum for Women and Children held under the slogan: (Challenges facing women and children in modern community) under the auspices of the Association of Arab Universities and the supervision of the Swedish Iraqi Studies Network (SISNET) at Lund University. Prof. Dr. Afraa Ibrahim has participated with a research paper entitled (Positive illusions among university female students in light of some variables) in which she aimed to identify positive illusions commonly found among females according to their marital status, study disciplines (applied sciences or humanities) and school grades.

 Then, Prof. Dr. Ashwaq Sami and Assist. Lecturer Noor Abdul Hussein submitted a joint research on (Family disintegration among pupils under the Corona pandemic) where they examined various family overlapping relationships and disintegration faced by the pupils of the sixth grade at primary schools present depending on the changes that happen in their place of living and weather the parents having a job or not. At the conclusion of this event, the professors of the University of Baghdad were honored with letters of thanks and appreciation as well as the shield of the International Women’s Forum for their active contribution.

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