Dr. Najat Mohammed Rashid, a professor at the department of astronomy and space at the college of sciences has delivered recently a virtual lecture on “The impact of astronomical events on climate change” sponsored by ARID platform for Arabic-speaking scientists, experts and researchers that offers a unique range of free services for Arabic-speaking researchers to support the scientific research movement in accordance with the highest standards applicable internationally.

The lecture witnessed the participation of a number of students, researchers and those interested in astronomical affairs from all over the world and it aimed to identify the solar activity, the atmosphere of the earth and to define the concept of global warming with an emphasis on its causes and the changes that occur in the earth’s orbit and their effects on the amount of solar radiation reaching it,  resulting into a lot of dangerous climatic changes, astronomical cycles, the emission of solar flares & wind in addition to the electromagnetic changes affecting the sun known as “solar spots”. At the conclusion of this event, Prof. Dr. Najat Mohammed addressed many ways by which we can maintain a clean environment according to a sound framework determined by environmentalists.

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