The department of earth sciences at the University of Baghdad, in collaboration with Ibn Sina e-learning and continuing education units of the college of science has organized recently a joint virtual workshop on “Biocoal production and its use for the removal of pollutants from wastewater” with the participation of postgraduate students at the department with the participation of Prof. Dr. Valentine Nzengung, a professor of environmental geochemistry at the University of Georgia, USA.

Dr. Valentine Nzengung, at first identified bio-coal as a stable substance rich in carbon that has amazing possibilities for dealing with soil pollutants and sewage which is regarded as a renewable and massively producible fuel used for purifying water and removing organic or inorganic pollutants in order to be suitable for human consumption and various other purposes at reasonable prices, adding that coal can be used in pesticides, fertilizers, heavy metals, pigments, medical and industrial waste.

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