The computer center held a workshop on “Data Management” in the presence of the rector of the University of Baghdad Prof. Dr. Munir Hamid al-Saadi and the director of media and public relations department at the university’s presidency Prof. Dr. Adel Abdul Razzaq al-Ghurairi as well as a number of professors and specialists in information security.

The workshop included a detailed explanation on this administrative process that includes acquiring, validating, storing, protecting, and processing required data to ensure the accessibility, reliability, and timeliness of the data for its users as well as on training staff and dissemination of security awareness, especially in information security field and how to improve and develop the capabilities of specialists in auditing the information security policies with an emphasis on technology consulting to inform clients of how to use their IT practices to achieve their business objectives. The lecturers also shed light on the latest information security updates and privacy violation cases adopted by social media companies such as WhatsApp that has recently announced its updated privacy policy, thereby the app will be able to share user details, including phone numbers and other transaction data.

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