The biological research unit for hot areas, in collaboration with Ibn Sina e-learning and continuing education units at the college of science has recently organized a virtual workshop on the “Knowledge necessary for the outbreak of new variants of Coronavirus and vaccines” with the participation of a number of postgraduate students and those concerned with medicine and pharmacy.

The lectures were delivered by Dr. Maysaa Kazim who gave a brief overview on the current new variants of this pandemic and the consequences of its spread in Iraq. Then she addressed the latest info on Covid-19 vaccines that are given at the present all around the world as being a simple, safe and effective way of protecting people against harmful diseases, by using the body’s natural defenses to build resistance to specific infections and makes the immune system stronger. She also identified the types of vaccinations that are licensed by the World Health Organization that helps countries set up rigorous safety systems for vaccines and apply strict international standards to regulate them. Dr. Maysaa Kazim added that all medical institutions in the country should coordinate their efforts in the face of such global challenges, however because of some medical conditions, some people should not get certain vaccines or should wait before getting them.

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