Prof. Dr. Munir Hamid al-Saadi, rector of the University of Baghdad visited lately the college of management and economics at Al-Waziriyah Complex where he was received by the dean, Assist. Prof. Dr. Suhail Najim Abdullah and made a tour among the college’s departments, classrooms and laboratories, also he followed-up the exams of postgraduate students taking places at present in light of the outbreak of the new variants of Coronavirus pandemic, asserting the need to adhere to health procedures and to develop the infrastructure of the college and to rehabilitate some of its facilities.

Then Dr. Munir al-Saadi visited the college of law and made a tour with the dean of the college Prof. Dr. Ali Hadi Attia to inspect the mechanism of taking exams to ensure the comprehensiveness of questions by meeting some postgraduate students. Also the rector accompanied by his assistant for scientific affairs Prof. Dr. Abdul Karim Al-Samarrai, as well as the director of the postgraduate department Prof. Dr. Hussein Qassim Hussein and the director of media and public relations department Prof. Dr. Adel Abdul Razzaq Mustaff have visited the college’s museum and reviewed some of its documents, publications and a range of historical pictures dated back to the royal era in 1908, stating the significance of the college of law as being the oldest college in Iraq and that its museum represents a documentary and a historical legacy as well as a source of legislation and amendments of the laws across all Iraqi governments. At last, Dr. Munir al-Saadi concluded his inspection tour with a visit to the college of fine arts and was received by the dean Assist. Prof. Dr. Muthad Ajil where they followed-up the progress of examinations and health procedures adopted in the college under the Coronavirus pandemic.

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