The department of astronomy and space at the college of science has participated recently in the events and activities of the Amateur Astronomers Forum sponsored by the department of scientific care at the ministry of youth and sports with the participation of a number of students, researchers and those interested in astronomy. The aim of this forum, which was attended by the head of the department of astronomy and space Assist. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Abdul Razzaq and a number of students and faculty members, is to exchange knowledge with the youth regarding some educational and applied aspects which contributes to the development of their participation in astronomical programs and to communicate with the members of Arab and international astronomical societies.

The Director General of the department of scientific care Dr. Ahmed Saad Elewi stressed in his speech that the ministry of youth seeks to find prospects of mutual cooperation with all Iraqi universities in establishing such scientific events, while the director of the astronomy division Dr. Zainab Qassem talked about the role of the astronomy department at the college and its cooperation with other educational institutions for the purpose of developing astronomical projects in Iraq and the obstacles that the students or interested people might face and how to overcome, also she discussed the possibility of establishing an astronomy competition for amateurs to practice their hobbies by rehabilitating the planetarium in Baghdad and to establish an Amateur Astronomers Association.

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