Assist. Prof. Dr. Abdul Jalil Jabbar Nasser, a professor at the college of physical education and sports sciences has recently selected as an official lecturer at the American Kickboxing Academy (AKA) as a precedent for the first time in this field to work within a training team consisting of the most prominent trainers and champions in the world.

This selection was the result of the nomination of his research paper entitled (kickboxing coaching course: Level 1 Bonze Coach) to be studied in the training programs. It is worth mentioning that Dr. Abdul Jalil was previously selected as an official lecturer in the training courses of the Combat Athlete Institute of Australia (CAI) as part of a training team consisting of the world’s leading trainers and champions such as Ed Bavelok, the world champion Dr. Nizar Talib and the international trainer Issa Abu Nassar.

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