Assistant Professor Dr. Hana Mohammed Hussein al-Tamimi, head of the department of financial sciences and banking at the college of Islamic sciences has participated recently in the proceedings of the Third Iraqi Forum for Training Young Women sponsored by Elaf center for media training in partnership with department of scientific care at the ministry of youth and sports in coincidence with celebrating the International Women’s Day.

Dr. Hana al-Tamimi presented a research paper on “creativity: causes and obstacles” in which she identified the concept of creativity and its motives, based on the outcomes attained by the creator, with a mention to the most vivid hardships he/she exposed to. Then she addressed the topic of leadership by giving an outline of the most important qualities of the leader (and the difference between him and the pioneer) in cases of success and failure. At the end of this event, Dr. Hana al-Tamimi was honored in appreciation of her distinguished participation in the forum and for her enlightening ideas in subject matter.

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