The college of physical education and sports sciences for women at the University of Baghdad held an extensive lecture on “Thinking skills within the cognitive content and its impact on mental capacity” to the students ogf the first grade, delivered by the lecturer at the team games branch Prof. Dr. Intisar Aweid Ali. At first, he professor explained the  concept of thinking as an mental activity unique to human beings that is considered as a complex behavior through which man can deal and control different stimuli and attitudes that revolve around him, pointing to the emergence of several theories for the interpretation of thinking, namely the behavioral theory, Gestalt theory, Vygotsky’s cognitive development theory and the cognitive theory (Piaget’s theory) that is one of the most important theories interested in interpreting thinking according to the basic functions of organization and adaptation.

Then Dr. Intisar Aweid talked about the importance of developing thinking skills in accordance with the stages of cognitive development characterized by a series of organizational processes as well as internal & external adaptation tendencies for each of these stages, such as (motor sensory processes, pre-processes, physical processes and abstract thinking) phases, noting the role of the knowledge structure in producing problem solving strategies and improving education and thinking.

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