The department of biotechnology in collaboration with the Ibn Sina e-learning and continuing education units at the college of science held a joint virtual symposium via Google Meet service with the Faculty of Medicine of Monastir in Tunisia entitled “Thyroid Scintigraphy” with the participation of a number of graduate students, researchers and specialists in biological analysis and human medicine. The lectures were delivered by Dr. Rasha al-Sahliani who is a faculty member at the University of Monastir with the aim to identify thyroid diseases and how to detect them by CT scan and how to examine the clinical symptoms and activity of the gland by blood test.

Then Dr. Rasha al-Sahliani talked about the clinical procedures used for the internal injection of the patient with radioactive isotopes to capture the radiation emitted from the patient’s body by external detectors (Gamma camera) to get two-dimensional images or by the use of SPECT and PET imaging systems to get 3D images, stressing the complementary and significant role of such tests in the diagnosis of thyroiditis.

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