The Women’s Studies Center adopted the establishment of a National Women’s Legislation Watch that emerged under the auspices of the Speaker of the Iraqi House of the Representatives, Mohammed al-Halbousi during a grand celebration organized in celebration of the International Women’s Day. The ceremony was attended by the President of the Republic Dr. Barham Saleh, Jeanine Plasschaert the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq, a number of ministers, leaders of political blocs, as well as representatives of civil society organizations, diplomatic bodies and embassies.

Prof. Dr. Munir Hamid al-Saadi, rector of the University of Baghdad attended this event and stressed in his speech that women throughout history have been part of all the details of life, especially the Iraqi women who have endured the scourges and responsibilities that cannot be endured by others, so they deserve all appreciation for being the foundation of the developing and educated societies, adding that the University of Baghdad is the first Iraqi university to represent the role of women in community through the establishment of a women’s center concerned with all matters related to their social rights and legislation.

Dr. Athraa Ismail, director of the Women’s Research Center stated that the center’s goal is to highlight women’s aspirations after being free from the reactionary social restrictions that have obscured their role in the part. It is noteworthy that the Iraqi Women Parliamentarians Gathering launched a number of initiatives, namely the establishment of a special fund to take care of the elderly women, as well as the launch of a satellite channel dealing with the Iraqi women’s affairs.

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