The college of media at the University of Baghdad held a symposium on “The role of media in crisis management” in coordination with the international media center of Imam Hussain Holy Shrine delivered by Dr. Siham al-Shujairi who addressed the concept and characteristics of crises, their causes, stages and how to deal with. Then she explained that the media discourse at present resorts to crises and tries to amplify them in a way that can result into a social revolution or movement adding that reporters and media institutions always believe that crises are able to develop their skills and insure the support of the political system, leading to fame, so this obsession may explain the paths of the crisis management witnessed nowadays.

Dr. Siham al-Shujairi believed that the crises in Iraq have a political nature totally since the people are reconciled with each other, therefore unfortunately this issue is a political act that negatively affects life. She stated that the crises exist in all countries, but in Iraq they are related to politics for there is a deficiency in the political system itself, therefore we find that the satellite channels and media institutions in general focus on any crises to attract the public, in addition to the current misrepresentation of topics and the use of inappropriate terms in TV programmes when addressing economic or social issues.

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