The Council of the University of Baghdad held its 12th session under the chairmanship of the rector Prof. Dr. Munir Hamid al-Saadi, with the membership of his assistants for administrative and scientific affairs and in the presence of all its members and deans of colleges. Dr. Munir al-Saadi addressed some matters related to the importance of adhering to the directives of the ministry of higher education and scientific research regarding the online presentation of scientific lectures, stressing the ministry’s guidance to all deans and their assistants to attend electronic classes in order to inspect the persistent performance of the faculty members and students in exchange of knowledge, as well as to follow-up the students’ interaction with the lessons, where the professors should provide the deanships with a weekly report summarizing the achievement of e-learning for each grade.

Then the members of the university’s council addressed the procedures adopted for the development and expansion of e-classes and virtual platforms in the service of our dear students, with the need for periodic checking of the documents of the students of the first grade and those of postgraduate students admitted this year to confirm the validity of all their data in accordance with the directives of the Advisory Board. At the conclusion of the session, they discussed the university’s preparations for the first semester e-exams and the possibilities of carrying out the attendance exams if being approved, with emphasis on the practical training of graduates and refinement of their technical skills, especially of the dental and engineering students to meet the professional needs in the labor market at the country in conjunction with the health crises the world is going through right now.

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