In celebration of the Teacher’s Day, I am pleased to offer my congratulations, appreciation and gratitude to all faithful people who spend their lives in the service of the nation and country as well as to provide science and knowledge, seeking the satisfaction of Allah The Almighty and the order of his prophet Muhammad (PBUH) saying: “Learn knowledge as learning is a fear of Allah, its request as a worship, its study as praising, seeking for as jihad and teaching it to those who do not know it as charity”.

My brothers and sisters in the educational family, your dedication to education makes you an example to follow, so you are blessed for gaining this high status and may you have always carry the message of science and be the ones who speak of it at every forum and arena. The first of March reflects a great pace of scientific educational giving and achievement despite the great challenges faced, whether health, economic or political, where you have shown a level that is worthy of your educational mission. May days and years pass, your giving grows and your heritage takes root for generations. God bless you and every year, you and your generous families are fine. In conclusion, accept my utmost respect and appreciation.

Prof. Dr. Munir Hamid al-Saadi

Rector of the University of Baghdad

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