The college of pharmacy at the University of Baghdad has organized recently a virtual workshop entitled “Future trends of needle-free vaccine delivery systems” delivered by Dr. Lubna Abdul Karim Sabri via Zoom program with the participation of faculty members from various medical colleges and those interested in vaccination without acupuncture. Dr. Lubna Abdul Karim addressed several topics, including an introduction to the types of vaccines and the problems associated with the method of taking them in the traditional way, namely acupuncture and modern techniques for oral and nasal vaccination.

She stated that at present there is a possibility of replacing the traditional ways to make the vaccination process safer, more effective, easier to store and affordable especially for third world countries during the spread of epidemics and emergencies resulting from natural disasters. She stressed that studies showed that vaccine administration by the use of nasal spray or oral droplets has the potential to stimulate the immune system by responding to the protective mucosa (by S-IgA secretion) and higher production of antibodies (IgG with less doses) adopted for the treatment of Covid-19, flu, poliomyelitis, measles, Viral hepatitis and others. At the conclusion of the workshop, the lecturer noted that despite the promising results of the preclinical and clinical studies recorded by the new vaccine delivery systems, more studies are still needed to implement and market these vaccines for the prevention of bacterial and viral infectious diseases as well as in the use of cancer vaccines.

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