The college of fine arts at the University of Baghdad held a great event in celebration of the third annual anniversary of the International Day of Education under the slogan “Reviving and revitalizing education among the generation suffering from the Covid-19 pandemic”. The festival started with playing the national anthem and some heritage songs by the students of the department of musical arts.

Then Dr. Muthad Ajil, dean of the college delivered a speech at the start of the celebration where he talked about the difficult health conditions that faced the educational process in Iraq, so the faculty members and students cooperated together to achieve success in integrated education, therefore today we are witnessing the graduation of a new batch of future builders, armed with science and hope towards progress despite all circumstances.

Also the dean of the college and his assistants accompanied by the heads of departments inaugurated an exhibition where a number of drawings painted by students were presented as well as a series of glass mosaics, scratchboards techniques and Islamic decoration that displayed aesthetic works in embodiment of the Iraqi environment. The students expressed their happiness by participating in this event, hoping that the University of Baghdad would remain always the patron of science and an incubator of knowledge.

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