The central scientific promotions committee at the University of Baghdad chaired by Prof. Dr. Kazim Abdul Wahid with the membership of Prof.D. Khalid Jamal and Assist. Prof. Dr. Deilam Kazim have visited recently a number of scientific promotion units at the colleges of education (Ibn Rushd), arts, languages and Islamic sciences in Bab Al Moatham Complex to hold an extensive meeting with the members of committees and sub-committees.

The chairman of the central committee Dr. Kazim Abdul Wahid focused during this visit on identifying the obstacles facing the work of these committees in some promotion matters, while praising the sincere efforts exerted by the members in this regard. Also he stressed the need to provide the central committee with periodic statistics for the transactions of scientific promotions in these units, as well as suggested the placement of one of the employees of each of these units to work at the university presidency for a year to acquire the required experience in the conduct of the work so they can overcome any future administrative or legal obstacles.

In turn, Prof. Dr. Allawi Sader, dean of Ibn Rushd college of education for humanities and Prof. Dr. Neima Dahsh, dean of the college of Islamic sciences welcomed this proposal and expressed their continued readiness to cooperate with the central committee to speed up the process of academic promotion of faculty members. At the conclusion of this visit, the chairman and members of the central committee thanked the deans of the faculties mentioned above and sub-committees for their continued contributions to facilitate the team’s mission.

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