The college of education for pure and applied sciences (Ibn al-Haitham) hosted recently Dr. Hussein Nahidh al-Ali, a professor from Anglia Ruskin University in UK to deliver a lecture on “Describing the role of newly developed antibodies in the treatment of a variety of human cancers”.

The lecturer focused on the methods he used to verify the effectiveness of new anti-cancer treatment and how to use antibodies targeting the Annexin A1 protein to treat incurable cancers, explaining that this protein has emerged over the last decade as an important endogenous modulator of inflammation as shown by latest research that all proved its role in the mechanisms of cancer spread in the human body (Metastasis) as well as feeding cancer by the formation of new blood vessels (Angiogenesis). Dr. Hussein Nahidh concluded his study with an overview on the method he adopted for killing these cells by the use of such antibiotics to stop the life cycle of the cell at a certain point, preventing it from the molecular division that amplifies the size of the tumor and enhances its spread in the human body.

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