Professor Fatima Faiq Juma, a lecturer from the department of home economics at the college of education for women has participated in the proceedings of a virtual workshop entitled (Genetically modified food and its impact on human health) through the presentation of a joint research paper with the lecturer Sura Obeid and Assist. Lecturer Isra Ahmed from the college of basic education at Al- Mustansiriyah University.

The participants aimed to identify the importance of biotechnology and genetic engineering and its role in deciphering and identifying the genetic code and the transfer of genes to highlight their impact on the development and improvement of food in quantity and quality for human beings at the lowest possible cost in light of the steady increase of world population. One of the recommendations given by Prof. Fatima Faiq is not to eat genetically modified foods unless they are approved by government health bodies and sober organizations that approve the suitability of such products for human consumption and that have no current or future side effects, stressing the reliance on natural and municipal food as long as possible with the necessity of knowing the manufacturers and not to purchase any questionable food products that have no sound trademarks.

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