The college of physical education and sports sciences for women at the University of Baghdad held a workshop on “the standards of software reliability and its importance in universities” delivered by the director of the department of international reliability at the ministry of higher education and scientific research Assist. Prof. Dr. Ali Abdul Karim al-Saffar and Prof. Dr. Muntaha Abdul Zahra al-Azzawi, a lecturer from the college of education at al-Mustansiriyah University, in the presence of the dean of the college, Dr. Bushra Kazem al-Hamashi and a number of faculty members.

The lecturers addressed the concept of accreditation or reliability that means the status granted to an institution that has been found to meet or exceed established standards for educational quality as well as its ability to establish a balance between the quality of the educational institution and the service and protection of the community interests. Dr. Ali al-Saffar pointed out the difference between the adoption of programs and the accreditation of specialized programs for evaluating the performance of the educational institution comprehensively as a single unit in terms of its ability to provide educational services to meet the minimum agreed criteria, while the specialized accreditation focuses on the adoption of academic programs offered by the foundation individually for specialties that are not satisfied with general accreditation, stressing on the adoption of the needed software for reducing the gap between the educational system and software standards through preparing the self-assessment report.

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