The college of physical education and sports sciences for women at the University of Baghdad organized a seminar on special tests designed for measuring the most important physical and motor abilities of football tennis players in Iraq chaired by the doctoral student Mays Mahmoud Salman.

The lecturer gave an overview about this traditional game also known as futnet which combines speed, precision, technical skill and strategy in an overall activity demonstrated by different competition categories: men, women and juniors (single, double or triple) where court dimension is 119 cm for seniors and 100 cm for juniors. Then she addressed matters related to how to design appropriate tests for measuring special motor skills among juniors at Al-Shaab International Stadium, explaining that this game is a combination of football, volleyball and tennis where the players return the ball by hitting it with any part of the body (foot, leg, head) except for the hands and making it bounce in the opponent’s area, so it requires speed and accuracy, adding that futnet is characterized by continuous dynamism like Taekwondo

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