On 24 January each year, the world celebrates the international day of lifelong education dedicated to achieve peace and development where it marks the third anniversary of this occasion under the slogan “Revitalization and activation of education among generations suffering from the Covid-19 pandemic” that is coincided with the nearly one-year anniversary of the spread of the Coronavirus which has halted all aspects of life and significantly affected various higher education sectors, but still with the outstanding efforts exerted by the faculty members of the University of Baghdad and the continued supervision by the His Excellency the minister of higher education and scientific research, Prof. Dr. Nabil Kazem Abdul Sahib, the e-learning system has been approved to complete the last academic year in Iraq. Your university has assumed its historical responsibility not to lose the school year, so all efforts culminated in the adoption of e-learning education through the great cooperation between professors and students to complete exams and to graduate a new batch of students with the aim “Our education won’t stop”, so as to raise a generation that would be the builders and leaders of the future.

My dear brothers and students, i would like to offer you my thanks and appreciation for your sincere role and your infinite gifts to our sons & students on this day where the whole world recognizes your distinguished experience in e-learning despite all the circumstances prevailed in Iraq. This year’s celebration is different from the years before where we have a great responsibility to accommodate the critical and sensitive stage and the challenges of terrorism and Coronavirus pandemic which disrupted life and affected the economy and the living aspects worldwide, reflected negatively on the psychology and behaviors of people, so here comes your role to deal with these challenges with patience, wisdom and objectivity and attention to awareness of our students with a high national spirit after proving that you are role models in the time of crises when you started your work towards the dissemination of science and knowledge, indifferent to the challenges of terrorism in the past years and the dangers of the epidemic, taking responsibility for providing the right educational environment for our dear students.

At last, i forward again my sincere appreciation and thanks to His Excellency the minister of higher education, Prof. Dr. Nabil Kazem Abdul Sahib for his clear and enlightened fingerprints to serve the learning process in our beloved Iraq, and I call on all faculty members, staff and students at our prestigious university to continue their giving and move forward in their scientific mission to serve our beloved country, wishing this year to be a year marked by excellence and success. God bless everyone.

Prof. Dr. Munir Hamid Al-Saadi

Rector of the University of Baghdad

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