Prof. Dr. Ammar Taher, the dean of the college of media signed recently a joint memorandum of cooperation with Dr. Nabil Jassim, head of the Iraqi Media Network in the presence of the members of the college council and some prominent figures. The memorandum outlined the mechanisms of cooperation and the obligations of the two parties for the mutual interest and how to activate and develop the role of Iraqi media at the present and the need to benefit from academic and scientific media expertise in supporting state-directed media.

In the same context, Dr. Ammar Taher has signed last week a cooperation agreement with the University of Technology for coordination in academic and media fields and is considering signing several memorandums of understanding and cooperation protocols with various local and international universities, colleges and educational institutions, most notably with the Iraqi Journalists Syndicate and the colleges of media at Cairo University in Egypt & Abdelhamid Ibn Badis University of Mostaganem in Algeria based on the directives of the ministry of higher education and scientific research and the presidency of the University of Baghdad towards openness to our regional and international community.

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